Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn
Achievement Radio Podcast

About Me

Welcome to the "Achievement Radio Podcast," a personal development podcast dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, become self-motivated, and transform your mindset.

Whether striving for career success, personal growth, or a healthier lifestyle, our podcast provides actionable strategies and inspiring stories to empower you. 

Listen and explore self-improvement, motivation, productivity hacks, mental wellness, leadership, and goal setting. Start your path to success today with insightful episodes designed to motivate, educate, and elevate every aspect of your life. Subscribe now to begin your transformation!

There is a time in everyone’s life when they stop to wonder, “Am I doing enough?”

Sure, working a regular 9-to-5 job and spending your time working your way up in your career can be satisfying. But sometimes, paying the bills can become tiresome, and you may wonder if you’ve lost sight of what is essential.

We all have great talents and inspirations that drive us forward in life, but if we aren’t taking steps every day to help us achieve our goals, our passion for life begins to dwindle. It can be defeating to spend our lives working toward essentially nothing, stuck in the same monotonous routine, while the things we want to do with our lives are stuck on the back burner.

That’s no way for you to live! Many of us begin to feel stuck and confined as we wonder about what might have been possible if we had been offered better opportunities or could have made more time to work on the things that are most important to us.

There is no reason to wonder “what if?” any longer...

Using the self-improvement courses in this podcast as a guide, you will see that mastering your destiny is possible and essential.

Everyone has a special purpose on this planet and a singular life that belongs to us and us alone. We must honor the purpose that we were meant to serve, and we are allowed to continue to make the changes necessary to make those dreams a reality.

Most of us lack the basic structure to achieve our goals. Accomplishing our goals may seem obscure and romantic, but there are steps that we can take every single day to achieve them. It has never been more possible to become the best version of yourself you can be, and by following the simple key steps in this book, before you know it, you will be well on your way to mastering your destiny! 

We all have a vision for our future that we want to turn into a reality.

No matter what those goals might be, there are several steps in common that anybody can take. You can make it possible to achieve your goals and turn your dreams for the future into something tangible. You got this!

We can all take the steps necessary to become the best versions of ourselves. Although it can be a challenge, there is nothing that a dedication to self-improvement can’t solve. No matter how incremental, every improvement can help us move mountains and achieve things we may never have believed possible.

If you want to become the master of your destiny, follow the advice on this success podcast. You will find yourself well on the way to accomplishing the goals you may have been too afraid to pursue before awakening. It is more than possible to achieve your goals; it is vital. We were each born with a particular purpose, talents, and passions finely tuned to create a better world and a happy life.

If we aren’t doing everything in our power to see those passions translate into our reality, then the truth is that we are not only robbing ourselves and the rest of the world of the beauty that only we can bring into the world.

Fortunately, if you have found your way to the Achievement Radio Podcast (not by accident!), you will know by now that you are more than capable of mastering your destiny. Taking the steps you need to take to be the best version of yourself will completely change your life. All you have to do is believe it.

To your every success along the way!

Don Weyant/Founder

Achievement Radio Podcast


Don Weyant Quick Facts

I am a lifelong learner of all things personal development and meditation.

Founder of the Meditation Life Skills Podcast with over 28 million downloads since 2021.

Created the first-ever Motivational Internet Radio Station in July 2000.

Creator of the Achievement Radio Podcast August 2024.

Main Areas: Metaphysics, Meditation, Spirituality, Ordained Metaphysical Minister
Best Sellers: Understanding Meditation - A Practical Guide For Learning How To Meditate
Career Focus: Meditation Teacher/Coach
Affiliation: University Of Metaphysics, International Metaphysical Ministry, IMM University Seminary Member of the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry, International Transformation Meditation Center, Mastery of Meditation Teacher’s Training Program

I have been meditating for over twenty years, have a degree in metaphysics, and teach meditation classes.

Professional Credentials & Organizations

The University of Metaphysics – Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, B.MSc.

Ordained Metaphysical Minister – International Metaphysical Ministry

Metaphysical Practitioner/Meditation Coach – IMM University Seminary

Member of the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry

Certified Meditation Teacher – International Transformation Meditation Center

Anmol Mehta – Mastery of Meditation Teacher’s Training Program